Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:39 No.69069 del
I just came up with a theory.
You know how women get giga mad at the idea of doing nice things for their bf\husband? Like reacting with hostile vitriol at the mere sight of a woman being nice to her bf.
Part of the reason why that happens may be that women are too fucking stupid to understand the difference between "need" and "want". Yes, men don't NEED women to do certain things, but a woman doing them is a NICE thing to do.
Another possible part of it, is the NPC mentality of only doing things because they're ordered to. Like how leftists only follow the technicalities of the law, and are morally fine with exploiting loopholes to their advantage (ie following the letter of the law, not the spirit).
That would explain why retarded women are fine with taking orders from their boss, but act with indignant hatred at their husband asking them for a beer or something. (They even say shit like "my boss pays me")