Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 00:03 No.69318 del
Assuming you're not a regular to her threads, so I'll give you the tl;dr.
She essentially has a massive hard on for fuckup misfit outcasts, having met up with, fucked and dated some even. Virtually all of the guys in her dating history fit the exact same mold of being part of some niche, "non normie" group online, with pseudo extremist views and also not exactly good looking, to be fair. It's why some here have mocked her for being a cumdumpster for incels.

This was further confirmed by first hand accounts of her ex here and other people mentioning how much she idealizes the idea of fixing these people and having some semblance of power in her relationships (since she dates down both in looks and age), whther they are sexual or otherwise.