vamp 05/25/2024 (Sat) 19:40 No.69404 del
There is one thing I do not understand. Based on your description, am I not considered a woman? I can assure you that my ideology is not a guise for seeking attention and validation. I am curious, what kind of validation would being a communist bring me in a country where most people disparage these beliefs? Whenever people discover my political stance, they often respond with hostility. It is ironic because they may agree with some aspects of my views, but as soon as they hear the word "communism," rational discourse seems to vanish.

If I were seeking validation, I would align myself with liberalism, as that is more widely accepted in Albania. Similarly, if I sought validation on social media, I would adopt far-right ideologies, given their current popularity on platforms like TikTok. If you review my communist-related videos on TikTok, you will find that they are filled "haha 1991" comments
Thank you so much, I used to be really insecure about my voice before but now I think its not actually that horrendous, I just have to fix my speech and the way how I spell words. I don't even talk properly even on my own language.
I am fully aware that many women on the internet enhance their photos through editing and strategic angles to appear flawless. However, it is not the images of these women on social media that concern me. I am puzzled as to why you and numerous motivational influencers persist in attempting to uplift women by emphasizing that social media models use Photoshop. It seems unnecessary to imply that beautiful women do not exist in reality and are merely illusions. My insecurities are not rooted in what I encounter online, but from people in real life.