Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 04:52 No.70296 del
Coach Redpill? Is that you?
Anyway you're right. I was emotionally invested with this shit and it made me look like an idiot and depressed. Ever since I took the clownpill I started to enjoy life. Don't hate them, they have no idea what they're doing. Just chill and work on making *friends* who have similar ideals and goals as you, not for the shit tier desire to "fit in" by compromising yourself with shitty people that don't care about you. Looksmaxx, but accept yourself at your worst and learn to not give a shit. I got fucking body dysmorphia because I was scared I was going to die alone and so desperate for approval, that's how bad it was. Fixing myself, doing pretty well so far. We live in a society but you need to learn how not to give a shit while at the same time stand on your two feet and not ldar despite it all. Maybe this message isn't for everyone, maybe people just physically cannot seem to stop caring about it and what a sorry state of affairs we've gotten ourselves in. Also laugh. Laugh a lot. If I couldn't laugh, I'd kill myself. Make a mockery of the powers that be (including women), they know they can't do shit because they're dumb retard gorilla double niggers that deserve it. Women need a good RIBbing sometimes.