Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 20:10 No.70781 del
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>There is considerable madness in [...] right-wing esotericism. For one, there is an outright rejection of modernity and technology.

>Worse, this is spiced up with an over-romanticized back to “an unspoiled nature” hallucination promising a turbo return to a reactionary, pure, and simple life uncontaminated by modernity.

>Despite their anti-technology and anti-modernity stance, people of the right-wing esoteric persuasion – rather paradoxically – still use online platforms where, so they believe, right-wing esotericism has a voice.

>Overall, right-wing esotericism is a dangerous mix of occultism, quasi-religious and authoritarian-spiritual esoteric ideologies, and right-wing extremism that reaches deep into Nazi ideology and really does enter the realm of clinical psychosis with psycopathic undertones.

Daily reminder that this is what Audrey actually believes