Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 20:59 No.70817 del
For a while now, Audrey's been hooked up on esotericism, occultism and cult-like mentality. David, her ex, confrimed as much when he leaked how much into it she was via a telegram group chat whose name literally was Esoteric AntiRoot Collective (later dropping the "Esoteric"), where underaged and barely legal morons sprinkled with a few boomers here and there cirlcejerked a guy called Commander Penguin and his neo-Ted K ideas. As her ex mentioned a few times, she got off to the thought of being in a cult and was disappointed in his disinterest in such groups.

The esoteric bit comes from what the funny meme arrows point out and their close association to such groups, coupled with the fact that Audrey's handle on telegram is EsotericWaffleHouse and recently shared a post on Carl Gustav Jung's, famous for his mystic and occultist affiliations, views on the death of God.