cewl 06/07/2024 (Fri) 07:31 No.71068 del
?? i just saw this why do people love making shit up about meee 😭😭 when did i manipulate anyone. if manipulation means i couldnt keep vamps secret BECAUSE SHE WAS 14 YEARS OLD AND TOLD HER TO GET OFF OF THIS CLIQUE, now look at her bro. she talks about her interests like chat gpt and a tiny little girls nudes are now online.
elliot literally started it. it wouldnt have effected him if he didnt carry the convo to here rather than just accept i stood my ground after he insulted me a lot and i was fed up. i was right, i read him up, he threw a tantrum.
these are pretty normal things.
also i do not MAKE people send me money. if they want to, they can, because a lot of people wanted to, i mean im not saying no to free money, but i will never put things through a paywall because i hate shit like that.
if you hate me, you hate me. dont make a big deal out of it. you probably already hate women in general, and i dont want your attention if you do so.
>vile behavior is when elliot says "le women belong to le kitchen lololo" and i reply to him about how that was true when men went to war but now he thinks going on 4chan is as hard as being in the trenches
:3 nice implication desu
yes !!!

and everyone thank you so mucu for the kind messages!
rn im fresh out of an exam, came to a cafe but theres noone working?? i had to come sit cause i have to wait for the tobacco shop to open so i can get a vape.

im open for flavor reccomendations, dont make it ultra specific tho because they always have random flavors.

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