Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 02:20 No.71573 del
>realizing my autonomy,free will, and agency of self after a traumatic upbringing
This part particularly pisses me off. You're quick to blame your father when if it wasn't for him you would be on the literal streets like a rat. Who else would waste all that time and resources on you to fulfill your every whim had they known you'd turn out to be an ungrateful piece of shit who whores around and acts all mighty and wise, as if you had learned from your imaginary abuse instead of the pain and abuse you've in turn inflicted upon others?
>but he yelled at me
>but he beat me
>but he was mean to me after he was rendered unable to walk after his stroke
You know damn well this is all revisionism on your end to keep up your victim narrative and excuse your every fucked up decision that's got you where you are.
But go on, blame your father, your family, the kids who "bullied" you, your mom, your abusive and insane exes (what a coincidence it's literally never your fault!).
I hope you get killed.