cewl 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:18 No.72486 del
tysm ! hope u can do the same if u have free time. sadly i havenan internship in august so my holidays are short this year
not the weather for sex at all... im sweaty just from sitting...

also yesterday i was eatinf vanilla ice cream and i put cinnamon on it and it was sooooooogood guys try it
bro. lssq is honestly so good. i was rewatching that video because i love spongebob and i got into lost media because of lssq long ago and i keep rewatching his videos, even if i know if the media are found or not(i read his replies on lmw bdcause i just cant wait for a video sometimes lol) the haunt for it is always so interesting and the concept of lost media is also super interesting i love it so much