cewl##471m4h 06/15/2024 (Sat) 18:29 No.72963 del
whatever, you posted my convo with elliot. so was it soooo weird for me to assume you were him you fucking retard?
you anglo piece of shit hahahahha youre product of total incest and i am NOT brown come on xD just find a better and non-reddit way to insult me some time, its getting boring.
picrel IS my convo with you tho, and my point is still toward you, i was talking to you in the 2nd paragraph which isnt even directed at anon. it was to you, complete with your name. if you cant answer to what i said, just shut up then. im so glad youre a sore loser and are so low iq because it brings down the chances of you being an active predator. LMAO. that time you thaught i was apologizing to you when it was some larper tells me all i could ever ask, because when i do ypu dodge everything, dont adress anything, because you know its true, so you pull shit like this. trying to discredit what i was telling you knowing full well you would read it, and you did, but you cant say anything that can make you look better can you? so you HAVE to salvage anything to bring me just a little down.