Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 03:56 No.73382 del
(210.54 KB 1022x1024 all about not me.jpg)
Mind your own business huh
As I said this isn't about you or anyone else, just one person in particular and he doesn't seem like he's got any balls to do anything
He mentioned Audi in a few interactions so I was on this lovely board and as well on her thread to call him out as I have no other means of doing so, simple as that my little friend
I don't even know who this who this cool cat you're talking about is, but I'm sure he's doing real well
And I'm not a russian you son of a bitch, check yourself
Anyways my friend I have some words you'd like to hear, I know you've missed them

But of course you can get sick from eating poop.
But you can get hurt and die in an automobile wreck, too.
Do you plan to avoid cars in the future?
Of course not.
Knowledge of the consequences deters few cigarette smokers.
You can not catch any disease from the shit you eat that the donor did not have.
My "quality control" standards have served me well and I don't even know who the donor was much less which diseases he had.
Remember, not all shit is created equally.
Some shit really smells and tastes bad! More specifically, a harsh acrid "smoky" odor and very bitter taste I consider bad.

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