Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 03:11 No.75342 del
Also while I’m at it, I think it’s telling that all the (former and current) Audrey orbiters are quick to rally behind the pegged fag with a mommy kink but have always made fun of girls on here who were abused by men in far worse, actually serious ways. Meanwhile all this guy experienced was sloppy sex with a slampig while getting his sissy fetish fulfilled. He’s a fucking man for christs sake, not a young girl. He could have left her. She’s short, chubby, and stupid. You all make her out to be a master manipulator but she’s obviously just a dumb woman with a scorned ex that has a platform for his grievances. A woman slapping you because you’re being annoying isn’t abuse. Neither is getting pegged consensually.