Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 04:41 No.75402 del
Do you know anything? I really want to talk to her.

This is from thread #2 about helix
>I'm a friend of Audrey's, he really was her ex, she's told me he was extremely abusive to her, he also brought in another friend of Audrey's "helix" into the previous thread because he hated him and would shit talk helix because he was nice to audrey while her ex bf was constantly trash talking her and trying to make her feel bad for leaving him.

afaik Helix is framed as a guy Audrey took advantage of and led on.
>Helix had a thing for her, they were actually really close from what I understand, but she was just leading him on and exploited him into buying her $800-$1200 worth of items

Here its said he was used to create more drama by using him. Is this her ex's post?
>Nevermind I remembered how stupid this was, never forget that the whole reason helix was even involved was because of the Mexican who used this immature and stupid grown man to leverage more drama because he knew this helix guy would make this about himself and play the victim for some reason, all to antagonize Audrey.