Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 05:23 No.75417 del
He said she said narrative my ass. What happened is pretty straighforward. Helix is simply a guy from twitter who was close to her (or at least she made him believe so) who defended her from what her simps thought were lies and slander. Fast forward a couple of months and, Audrey doing what Audrey does best, starts pulling away and treating the poor guy like shit even after he foolishly squandered a lot of money on her at her own request as if he were an ATM. She then resented him for telling her to change and that fucking all those guys and doing drugs and abusing people is maybe a bad idea. So in total Audrey fashion she was pissed off, talked shit about him to others and to his face, and blocked him. So now he, like so many other guys telling very similar stories here, now sees her for who she is.