Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:47 No.76453 del
Audrey is an incel asslicking whore that has a secret crush on cewl, cewl dm's her and Audrey is like "i wanna keep this quiet cause i don't want my incel pets knowing i associate with you",then Audrey makes a move and tries to get nudes from cewl, cewl being an autistic retard doesn't get what Audrey is trying to imply and fucks up the whole fucking thing and has a mental breakdown cause she thinks Audrey is bullying her or whatever and leaks the dm's she had with her. Audrey then tries to cover her tracks by attacking cewl along with her retards, and of course saving her image by saying the twitter account isn't hers, that way no one will think she flirted with cewl or that it's her attacking cewl. That's the whole drama.