Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:53 No.76455 del
the drug addict serb hasn't talked or intereacted with audrey at all lol.
the idiot talked to the shitposter in charge of the riflehound account and got mad because they told her she's a junkie and a whore basically. so cewl, thinking she had talked to audrey, was all hurt and started calling audrey a hypocrite whore because how dare she criticizes her when she's an egirl too (she really thinks audrey is as bad as her lol) on her thread and on her server and made a huge drama. she actually thinks she had talked to audrey and that the only reason "she" called her a whore is because she's jealous of her or some dumb egirl tier reasoning.
that's all that happened. keep that dumb shit on her own thread.

another idiot lmao
audrey doesn't even have the riflehound account since like november