Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 15:16 No.77418 del
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>pukara and Eric Michael Hartman aka weezy are friends, weezy is obsessed with pukara
>weezy becomes addicted to Adderall
>weezy makes fake posts about pukara on r9k and agatha2
>to paraphrase, he wanted to 'shut her shit down, quick'
>is ignored, her fans also ignore weezy's posts
>something triggers weezy to addy zone out and send her old nudes to puka's mom
>pukara gets her shit rekt because of Eric
>pukara's mom gets the feds involved
>weezy tries to visit pukara
>immediately arrested when he lands back home
here's where things get weird
>weezy *willingly* talks to the police, willingly gives them his phone code
>instead of paying for a lawyer, tells his parents to hide his $25.000*(this is big, i'll come back to this later)
>being charged with posession and distribution of CSAM (you know, sending a child's nudes on facebook tied to your own account doesn't seem smart)

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