Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 15:10 No.77731 del
I'm seeing a lot of doublethink here. Seeing herself as a small bug in the vastness of the universe yet putting herself above everyone else? Pseudo humility is a nice way to describe it but it still boggles my noggin.

It's also strange at best that she'd avoid anything that reminds her of her mediocrity when all she does is vye for the acceptance of higher value people without putting in the least effort in her own endeavors, but I guess that's why she's always surrounded herself with people who kiss up to her. But then again, that's a doublethink in the way that I don't understand why she wants to associate with high value people in the first place yet every relationship of hers she's ever had has consisted, even to this day, of people she sees as being beneath her looks, stimulation, academic, and intelligence-wise. Anyone else she's treated like shit and discarded either because she felt intimidated by an actual person who would challenge her, or she didn't want to feel exposed.