Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 04:50 No.80859 del
Thanks for the earnest replies, even with that one guy coming at you aggresively. It's super interesting and I think you're the only person to be this close to her to ever come here to talk about it. You mentioned that you wish you could apologize to her, but why can't you? Is she really that inaccessible even to someone she was once close with? I will say it's REALLY weird that almost everyone confirmed to be her friend has apparently fucked up somehow and it did make me wonder if it only seemed that way, but I guess it really is the truth?

>a life and some form of success. She's not impotent. I'd assume it's based on digital relations
Since you seem to know nothing about what her life is currently like I'll try to fill you in. It's hard to tell but what we know right now is that she seems to have moved to San Francisco with someone she's either dating or engaged to. She had a lot of pics of the city consistently uploaded to Flickr over a period of time until wiping them. Then she was spotted in the instagram story of someone in SF a long time after this. It's unlikely she could afford a place there on her own so we assume she must be with someone wealthy. She has several offline friends but she has been cagey with what info she lets get out, more than ever before, so it gets confusing trying to connect the dots. We've figured out around three or four confirmed close IRL friends of hers in SF. Other than this, there's not much to go off on except her perfume reviews which seem intentionally cryptic.

>I think she told thousands of people I had schizophrenia
I dont think that's possible, unless you mean she was posting about it on /mu/. In that case I don't know what she'd have to gain from that, but you'd know better than I would. I remember years ago someone posting here that you had a plan to try to fuck her or something but it didn't seem to be her posting it. Looking up serialjune in the archive makes it seem like you had a lot of enemies that shared info in a way not unsimilar to how people talk here. FWIW I've never seen your pic before until you started posting yesterday. Doubt anyone actually gives a fuck about you trolling on /mu/ over a decade ago, but that aggressive anon definitely knew you or of you back then.

What did you guys talk about most of the time? And with that aside I'm curious about her OCD/anxiety because it's one of the main things people know about her but nobody actually knows the details or what it was like to witness in her. So if you dont mind I think a lot here would like to know more about it, since you mentioned the "furious morality."