Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:17 No.84643 del
>You're the egirl equivalent of an Indian on the internet.
That's what I was thinking but could not word it. 50000 cewls = 1 ciara (using ciara has an example because cewl hates her and they were both drug addicts), cewl lacks everything that makes an e-girl even if she wants to be one it comes off as annoying and uncharming, there is no mistery only normalfag behaviour and spamming unexciting low tier nudes.
She also attacks younger e-girls for some reason and calls men pedros if they say she is fat, calls everyone SAMEFAG if they think differently than her low tier beta simps.
She is literally a roastie normie whore, I don't get the appeal.