Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 18:20 No.85456 del
One of my regrets in life was not following Ken's progress as she was growing up. She started off as a shy, timid girl who had zero friends and used to "cry" on Tumblr about how lonely she was. She probably didn't lose her virginity till very late in life (for modern day standards). Now she's relatively happy, managed to get some boyfriends who, despite being them being ugly, were at least white and they all had things in common with her. Unfortunately, one of those boyfriends tried to kill her, culminating in a late trauma that Ken had and has to go through everyday.
And it seems that, for bad or for worse, she still has a lot of psychological scars. But if she didn't have them, she wouldn't be the Ken we love. Her incredibly good taste in art would probably be very different.
Ken introduced me to so many great artists from literature, music and cinema. I'm so fucking grateful for her. My second favorite filmmaker is Éric Rohmer, a director I discovered through Ken. The fact that she's seen almost all of his films and liked them, already put her above most women and men. It shows that she has an artistic sensibility that few people have.

Her aesthetic is unique. Many other girls even tried to copy her but failed miserably because only Ken can be Ken. Ken doesn't hang around low IQ, shallow individuals. She knows well how to choose her friends. She fought hard to get where she's at now in terms of social life.

Her soul is sensitive, she is sensitive. She'll never feel whole in this world and that's okay. Ken is a free spirit and being a free spirit is not easy.

I just hope that after death, in another plane of existence, Ken will be there.