Anonymous 08/10/2024 (Sat) 07:19 No.89518 del
>Wahhhhhhh you can't just turn me into a meme
>Waaahhhh you can't just share my public content around and i don't want to be famous and don't want attention despite the fact that i overshared my entire life online
>Waaahh I'm a victim you are all incels and pedros because i said so and i hate men and have a victim complex.
>Wahhhh I'm being stalked and harassed even though it's my own fault because of my poor choices and i decided to antagonize the hacker known as 4chan.
>Waaahh I'm not an e-whore despite the fact that i cheated on my boyfriend of 7-years lied about being a hikikomori NEET for attention online and have lewds.

Why are girls on the internet like this?