Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 04:15 No.93348 del
Funny memes and all, but is she really that fucking stupid to think anything some shady guy she met thru some shitty ass MMORPG in Brazil offered her would be better than anything she got going back here in America? What'd he offer her anyway to lure her down there lmao, a chance at designing a videogame? Because she'd have gotten that and much more with millions of guys back home, so why him? And once she realized she wasn't walking into the next Valve but instead some guy lazily developing a fanmade 2D , why didn't she just go back home? Why stay for 3 FUCKING YEARS?

Jesus there's just so many questions because it all seems so fucking dumb I simply cannot comprehend it, but maybe she just has a retard-tier IQ that she just went with it without any thought and came back once she got bored.