Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 14:11 No.93431 del
>people that white knight and pretend she was raped also leave out how she reestablished contact with Sam when she got back from Brazil and was planning a future with him including marriage
That is fuckin bananas, Marky herself said he even offered her to set her up for life and purchase farmland and animals to live out her trad dream life yet for some reason it all suddenly stopped. I think she said the guy wised up and ghosted her to avoid dealing with any issues that might have arised from being with her and having fucked her when she was a minor.

Thing is you're right, she's insane and loves the guy and if she could she'd be with him right now and I wouldn't be surprised at all if she's tried to reestablish contact in this long ass year and a half she's been MIA.