Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 15:18 No.95384 del
Those shenanigans are so broad they could easily be applied to a dozen other minor bitches off the catalog alone, dumbass.

>oldfags tell me
Thanks for outing yourself as a newfag. A lot of people did hate Ciara for being a piece of shit but she was massive in 4chan and elsewhere.
You're trying to compare an ugly annoying whore that selfposts and bumps her own thread (lmao) and creates her own drama because no one cares about her enough other than anons telling her to die and whatever faggot trannycord server she has, with a girl who was a massive phenomenon on imageboards for years who developed an entire meme and orbiting culture for years. Liked her or hated her the bitch oozed with charisma, personality and lore.