Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 01:07 No.95448 del
(124.61 KB 988x988 20150121_231416.jpg)
>I think he shouldn't share until the 2019 twitch streams hoarder does the same
Let's hope he takes this as a sign to unhoard. I'm the guy who was unwittingly hoarding the 1.5GB collection and I asked someone who's more familiar with the board culture here to verify whether they were actually rare and post them. I'm very happy it's been well received.

On that note, here are more videos from the late 2014-early 2015 era that I wish to find, especially "art history", which was my favorite alongside "Bedroom". I want to believe that if I held onto these videos for this long then some other Markyfag MUST have them.