Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 05:04 No.95504 del
>I'll leak our entire chatlog if I keep getting degraded and bullied over this dumb shit though.
Then leak it. Don't talk, act. Leak it all. The druggie whore is obviously not going to change her ways. She's going to continue to use men like you, and the few pathetic simps she's managed to gather here. She will continue to hurt people unless her game is obvious. Leak what you have. Cewl is already nothing more than a joke, so give us something to sit around the fire and laugh about while her precious "practice gf" career burns right before her very eyes. You said it yourself, it's disgusting. You know it, I know it, she knows it. So, stop talking and act. Cewl needs to face some consequences for her actions once in a while, don't you think?