Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 16:26 No.95798 del
(1.54 MB 2658x1530 I actually vomited.png)
Ok, fine. I'll drop one more screen shot and it's really, really bad.
I won't actually post the video because it's illegal and actually pretty disgusting.
So, she like to keep talking about how i "groomed" a minor and I'd really, really prefer if that was left alone. I feel like it really goes too far...

Here's a little bombshell for you all.
So, in a vc me and Cewl were talking, and I was joking about fucking animals and her autistic ass missed my sarcasm. She admitted she always wondered what it felt like... So the next day... She sends me this video.
You already know what it is. I don't even think I could legally show it, but there you go. She fucks animals.
But sure, go ahead and keep calling me a pedrophile because I tried to help someone I thought was in a bad but fixable place.

Seriously, I only want to keep this going if you and I are on the same page.
You know where to find me.
Maybe you can bail your self out of this one, maybe this will be the nuke that destroys you.

And you cucks thought her loving nigger dick was bad. :3