Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 02:17 No.96205 del

She was like 20 when she allegedly died. Still basically a teen, a kid, still in her troubled youth/rebellious stage, acting out, into drugs, exploring sex and relationshits, selfish as fuck like most kids at that age.

There were tons of kid in my high school just like that. Little shits who were always acting out and causing problems and spending all their time "partying."

That was 8 years ago, and I personally know a bunch of them grew out of that phase. Fuck, some of them make bank now. One's an in-house electrician for a huge meat processing plant (and makes over $130k) and another owns two successful cafes (which he ironically started with drug dealing money from his drug dealing days). But, hell, he got away with it. I heard he clears like $300k from them a year and supposedly he's looking at buying a popular bar in our area.

I know you guys wanna crucify Ciara all the time, but fuck, I really think she could have changed and grown out of her rebellious/fuck-up stage. People change. Especially in their 20s. She would have change, too, for better for worse. I think for the better. But I guess we'll never know unless she's still alive.