Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 05:11 No.96279 del
That's because left is authentic, she was younger thus unspoiled by her experiences and herself, it's frank and innocent. It's simply a broad description of herself to whoever stumbled upon her little corner of the internet where she could share her likes and interests.

Right is a conscious advertisement of her own scripted and prepackaged current self, thus completely soulless. Like a laundry list of things that would allow her to be liked by others she reached out to, not anyone who may have stumbled upon her profile. She gives a dishonest sense of approachability from the get go, sounding almost threatning (IF i added you.....) plus her list of interests that just falls flat given that it's Steam and her forced gratefulness at having grasped your attention for reading her brief bio.

That's it in a nutshell. It's gonna be a bit more obvious to anyone that's known her for a while.