Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 12:25 No.45 del
Oh, I think I see what you mean now.
That is near the point where you start to leave MEF and are something else entirely. MEF has two parts that are inseperable, it is masochism through emasculation. You need to be male and to desire masculinity.
If you identify with being a woman, feminine, or desire/enjoy those things, you don't have that MEF nature.
Femininity and identification with femininity should then only exist in the context of subjecting yourself to something you DON'T want, i.e. you remain at your core a man. You DON'T want to BE that.

This also leads to a funny situation where MEFs complain about trans women and AGPs invading their spaces, because MEF is confused with other types of masochism or confused with agp arousal.

So to answer your question, yes, but it's a fine line.