Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 08:59 No.57 del
>men have an evolutionary need to be perceived as masculine
is this stuff wxhlyup actually says to people? lol
He sounds like a "redpill alpha male" blogger who does this fetish theorizing in his freetime
"evolutionary need" is just a narrative that that evopsych/evobio bloggers give to explain shit they see in the wild, it is in no way true and is easily debunked by counter examples
1. the mere existence of feminine men 2. shy sensitive boys are obviously unmasculine naturally (rather than fem in most cases) 3. strong CDs and agps, who often NEED to crossdress or transition to relieve their gender dysphoria, etc

normal men on the other hand expend zero effort to be masculine of course, unlike the other groups mentioned where it's more of a painful performance

>any society that takes up equality of genders...emasculating men rather than empowering women...
I can agree with this, but counterpoint: these societies are more suitable for agps since there is less of a need to be masculine

>'underlying maleness' ... organism's subconcious awareness of what it is ... keep being what it is ... inherent drive to keep being alive
this sounds like an attempt to ape at a "soul" or "inner nature" without using "woo-woo" spiritual terms
the issue is that agps and the other aforementioned groups have a different sense of self than normal men, so that self might include being fem or becoming a woman
it also discounts to what degree these traits are learned, it's not all nature or nurture, organism are adaptive

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