NEET 09/06/2023 (Wed) 01:48 No.743961 del
need advice

I need to pay rent but also want to focus on my personal goals outside of work. Still living with parents for now, but they've said they will kick me out eventually. I have no qualifications, so tried working full-time minimum wagie job but everytime I come home from work I'm exhuasted and struggle to get much actual work done.

I need a job that'll pay enough for rent (seems like you need 3x weekly rent in income for rentals), and still give me daily leeway to work on personal skills and projects. A job I can slack off at to do my own stuff, or something part-time that pays well enough (doubt it), would be good.

Switched to part-time and spent a year and a half studying accounting, cause
>didn't mind it in school
>there's part-time accounting jobs
>possible to WFH
>computer + internet access

but the studying is becoming very stressful and something bigger than I thought. Am losing motivation to keep up with it.

I can pay off the uni debt no issue, so I'm wondering if there's anything at TAFE I can do?

what jobs do non-NEETs here have?