NEET 07/02/2024 (Tue) 13:52 No.870234 del
I have a problem. For the past 2 or so years i've been hearing a vibrational/electric noise constantly coming somewhere from around my window and you will hear it throughout the room. It sounds kind of like a tesla coil and for example if i sit away from my window at the other side of the room it will sound like its near me probably due to the fact that its so noisy. And im not crazy because my mom has confirmed that she can hear it aswell. I called local government and they sent over some people to see if they could locate the sound from outside but they couldnt. I have a few suspicions.
1. I am being targeted by a sonic/directed energy weapon. This is very plausable due to the fact that i cant find the source of the vibration noise and that its coming from my window so i have a suspicion that someone might be targeting me through me window. Why? I dont know but its possible.
2. Electrical wiring fault. This is another plausability simply that the electrical wiring is bad somewhere in the walls. But ive lived here for a long time when i was a kid and as an adult and this noise only started fairly recently in the last 1-2 years. So this is less plausable.

I really only have 2 plausabilities due to the fact that several of my neighbours have moved out and new ones have moved in and the fact that the noise has never stopped.