Anonymous 02/03/2016 (Wed) 21:37:00 No. 30 del
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God, this. A 'puckered anus' is not fucking sexy in the least. It just annoys the shit outta me.

Do slang words count? 'Cause there is NOTHING more annoying than nigger-speak.
ESPECIALLY when white people use Ebonics under the impression it makes them look cool.

'Already' (used to express approval, similar to 'nice!')
Bread (money)
Thot (that hoe over there) (so fucking clever! Truly the pinnacle of negro wit)
Fittin'a (fixing to)

Bonus: if you are around retards who think they are part of the 'Bloods' they will refuse to say a word if it starts with the letter 'c.' Crips start with that letter, which apparently makes it taboo to gang niggers.
So naturallly, they change the 'c' to a 'b' (for bloods, get it??)

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