Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 03:31 No.13139 del
>There are three types of permanent badges: Quartz, Hype, and Diamond. To give them to a deviation or comment, you’ll need fragments, which are essentially tokens used in exchange for badges.

>When you award a badge to a deviation or comment, the recipient will also receive fragments, which they can then use to award their own badges. The standard badges are as follows:

>Quartz (costs 10 Fragments)
Award a Quartz badge to your favorite deviations and comments. The recipient of a Quartz badge will receive one fragment.

>Hype (costs 100 Fragments)
When the Hype badge is given to a deviation, that deviation’s visibility will be boosted on Browse pages for a short period! The recipient of a Hype badge will also receive 10 fragments.

>Diamond (costs 300 Fragments)
The recipient of a Diamond badge will receive 100 fragments, and, if they’re not already a Core Member, they’ll also get a one-month Core Membership for free!
Once you grant a Diamond badge to a deviant, you cannot grant the same deviant a Diamond badge for 12 months.
Limited-Time Badges
Quartz, Hype, and Diamond badges may not be the only badges you can award to deviations or comments. Occasionally, special badges may be available as well, such as the Heart, Gold Coin, and Snowball badges! Watch team for updates regarding limited-time badges.
>How do I earn fragments?
>Fragments can be earned in three ways:

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