Anonymous 09/07/2023 (Thu) 16:54 No.16833 del
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it look like geordie really want to talk with his boy spacey
so this a thread for you bro
>fuck off i'm into a lot more pokemon than just pikachu and sylveon.
>When have you assumed I "only" liked anthro?
lol bro
>ackshually i want to fuck all the animals
aint a good comeback
>you retard,
grouphome projection
>have you ever heard of furfaggot bullshit
no thx i dont fuck dogs
>none of my interests include a fucking real animal in the mix.
opposite talk
>You're a moron if you think lucca liked any cub porn.
lol ye you right bro
the tranny who saying drawings is fine is definitely not a pedo just because he using the same argument that lolicon lovers do
that would be crazy right

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