Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 17:05 No.22178 del
i've never had an addiction to a drug that LITERALLY DOES NOT EXIST.
I'VE NEVER had jenkem because said reason, and i dont do drugs.
i am not cringe nor do i have delusions of calling you out, you are the one deluding about me being mexican when neither my appearance or artworks ever shown me any s igns of that. because i m not born in mexico you stupid pedophile
You ask that to a 80-year-old pedophile who's stalked me. Why not ask him WHY does he bother me when I dont want him?
Consistent idiocy is calling you out rightfully for breaking boundaries?
Stubborness is actually different from me telling you to STOP posting my work, and to stop even posting my 17/16 year old self like the fucking pedophilic creep you are?
And "grim determination" to tell you you're seriously sick in the head that you need a fucking lobotomizing or something?
Fuck you.
Stop trying to get randoms to hate on me just because you said you wanted to date me when i was a legit minor. Man you are obsessed