Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 05:13 No.22788 del
hmm let's see
he's literally saved thousands of picture of my face (when i was 15-16)
he stalks me by literally going to the same place on 4chan i go to, particularly the drawthreads on /b/ on 4chan, and on here as well.
he sometimes uses youtube to even make weird and possibly harassment/unwanted videos of me (INCLUDING my art, both of which i never gave consent for him to use)
and he has stolen my art countless of times.
he has also saved my picture from when i got abused by a german freak in 2021. censored or not that's fucked up of him, as if wanting to "date me" for a "joke" wasn't creepy enough.
he also repeats himself instead of actually being sober and self aware for once of his sick and gross errors

i mean, how the fuck do you not see any of this as wrong but you lose your shit over a cartoon cat wearing a diaper and having sex.