Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 00:26 No.23697 del
(673.47 KB 712x512 00023.png)
Oh my gawd... Jordan is RIGHT! I am so STUPID! Why didn't I know that Mexico is in Spain? And I thought Tasmania was part of Yugoslavia... how little do I know!

Jordan has pointed out my lack of knowledge. So - thanks to his inspiration - I will be enrolling to go back to school again. I must learn so much more.

It will be sensational spending all that time with my fellow students, children aching to learn just like me. Such a touching time for me to experience again. Maybe even Sleep-Over study nights with my fellow students! We could learn so much from each other. I've concluded that I am going to enjoy this.

Thank you, Jordan. What a great friend he is! So subtly pointing out the many errors of my knowledge.