Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 10:04 No.33406 del
There is nothing "psycho" or "babbling" about the cold hard truth.
You absolutely are careless whenever I show you any information, or when I draw something. You always go to my accounts just to fucking click on the download button and post it on an imageboard, what benefit do you get from doing that. You dont own the picture, and you sure as hell don't draw. Your shitscribbles and lines don't count, pedo. This isn't coming from any huffer, really, and Jenkem has already been long dead since 10 years now. It's not relevant, not in any argument since I don't consume drugs or any human waste. I'd rather eat fucking cum than ever touch piss and poop combined. Disgusting. I actually hope you get more than just help for what you just said on the internet. You are NOT welcome, or well at all.

Any further reply just makes you more crazy.