Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 00:39 No.34098 del
>Again, why did you- [Embed]

Kill yourself.
You asked the same thing. I did not have any fucking plans for this boss faggot yet you still seem to act like otherwise.
Why do you even expect me to answer when you're just going to be angry again.
>durr, guil-
Not guilty of doing something I hadn't. Because I know I didn't.
I only existed because I watch animation live action shows and other shit a groomer doesn't do. So stop comparing me to shit I'm not and, again, die. Your neighbor hates you. [Embed]
>going for a month
wasnt this from last year
either way
it's still fake
not something i have intended.
now, please. go die, girl. no one likes you. kill kill kill