Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 03:58 No.37484 del
But... the archiving isn't even autistic? I literally know what Klim looks like, he isnt some random young kid on the internet being edgy, no, it's a full grown elderly man. Wasting their already-miserable life on someone much younger than them. And it isn't fucking Santa Claus eith4er, please don't compare our beloved christmas favorite to an old freak of nature.
I don't care how you put it as a metaphor, I'm not using my own fucking hands to pull shit out of, disgusting.
Still no, Lemonz.
>I ho-
Still nobody's convinced.
>See? Cons-
You're the constant liar seeing everything as "rape rape rape" and "sex sex sex", along with "children" written dozens of times. I am not doing that. Just because I was sexually active the first time at 15 doesn't mean I would fucking do it to other people that already experienced it and do so now.
It's already bad enough that they can't ignore drama now.
>you have fi-
I have, it's called "Don't show off your work to people who aren't intersted in fucking cartoons that don't try hard to copy off any properies".
Learn what cartooning is, or stop talking about it.
>I on-
Don't care.
Having me as a son? Why would you? Why do you act like I cause terror like Godzilla ?

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