Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 01:10 No.38746 del
Adults can't make choices that are spamming.... idiot. That is not healthy, you're fucking nuts.
It's not incoherent to explain the OBVIOUS, CRYSTAL CLEAR flaws of your board and the behavior. This isn't from a 5 year old, because they are children, this is not from a child; you're sick for thinking that.
>too funny
I hope someone puts you down, we'll see who's being "funny" then.
>Then it should be easy to not do a thing you never did
Lol jetski
>i saw you mak-
Thyla is not autistic.
Never said the n word.
>S-s-s-omeone po-
But that's not an accurate cartoon and it's not even of me anyway, lol. No one should do anything for you. You're not their boss, nor should you make people your slaves.
No :)
no :))

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