anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 23:23 No.42580 del
>i've stopped going on 4chan, and putting images on page 11 threads,
lol what year is this diddles
i aint even been on 4chit for years what has that got to do with anything
>you're still going after me
all i am doing is posting examples of you tryina diddle kids
if you aint keep providing that content i aint keep posting it
>is this not unhealthy
diddling is very unhealthy
>still dont do that. at all.
>and i dont shit my pants.
>2025 is horrible, resolutions are horrible, as well as living on planet earth.
2025 is the year of diddles deaths 37 thru 912 got it
let me know when diddles stops dying

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