DNM IRC Anonymous 12/13/2021 (Mon) 05:27:46 No.283 del
(130.62 KB 1156x593 dnmirc.png)
Web Chat: http://dnmirc4ammtmfnwtgomctcl7gdtwrkp2ymkzw6y6xelo5rqaqm3peiid.onion/irc.cgi

IRC Hostname: dnmirc4ammtmfnwtgomctcl7gdtwrkp2ymkzw6y6xelo5rqaqm3peiid.onion
IRC PORT: 6667

Pidgin connection guide: http://mlyusr6htlxsyc7t2f4z53wdxh3win7q3qpxcrbam6jf3dmua7tnzuyd.onion/irc

Hash: SHA512

You a hacker? Carder? Nazi? Crack Addict? Shit poster? Well I got just the place for you!

Over at DNMirc, we understand that freedom and anonymity is key. Not everywhere can you discuss anything you wish, without being worried if some faggot admin/mod will ban you. The admin's at DNMirc do not care if your an asshat shitposter, we encourage it. We also don't care if your planning to hack Terry Davis website and re-uploading the videos of him having a wank, you get the idea. ANYTHING GOES, BESIDES PEDOs.

>What is IRC?
IRC is a cool-kid chat protocol widely used by cyber criminals, you can connect through Tor Browser or with your own client.

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