11/08/2024 (Fri) 22:02
Почему литературы по кондесации ацетона так мало? Короче ненасыщеные кетоны реагируют с аминами давая аминокетоны ну типо как бромкетоны.
Предположим мы сконденсирвоали МВК с метиламином мы имеем аминокетон. Далее он сконденсируется с другим МВК и даст нам алкилированый амин НЕпорядок.
Предположим мы смешали ДВК с метиламином. В таком случае можно ожидать немедленную внутримолукулярное алкилирование что нам нужно
Нам нужно сварить ДВК сначала. Вот синтез его бензальдегидного аналога. Возможно такое прокатит с формальдегидом
A cooled solution of 100 g. of sodium hydroxide in 1 l. of water and 800 cc. of alcohol (Note 1) is placed in a 2-l. wide-mouthed glass jar which is surrounded with water and fitted with a mechanical stirrer. The solution is kept at about 20–25° and stirred vigorously (Note 2) while one-half of a mixture of 106 g. (1 mole) of benzaldehyde and 29 g. (0.5 mole) of acetone is added (Note 3). In about two or three minutes a yellow cloud forms which soon becomes a flocculent precipitate. After fifteen minutes the rest of the mixed reagents is added, and the container is rinsed with a little alcohol which is added to the mixture. Vigorous stirring is continued for one-half hour longer, and the mush is then filtered with suction on a large Büchner funnel. The product is thoroughly washed with distilled water (Note 4) and then dried at room temperature to constant weight. The yield is 105–110 g. (90–94 per cent of the theoretical amount) (Note 5) of a product which melts at 104–107°.
The crude dibenzalacetone may be recrystallized from hot ethyl acetate, using 100 cc. of solvent for each 40 g. of material. The recovery in this purification is about 80 per cent; the purified product melts at 110–111°.