Anonymous 09/01/2020 (Tue) 23:56:02 No.16139 del
>Cutting off emiru
That in itself isn't the worst thing, but probably what could enable a lot of bad things in the future
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by artificial, but I don't think she's using her for clout if that's what you mean. And I find it understandable that she doesn't want publicly talk about bonbi's situation, even if it would be the right thing to do.
>a 'friend' leaving her?
The other way around, her leaving a friend. I see emiru as a chance for her to realize what kind of situation she is in and to get the help she needs, even if it might take a while. That's why I think it'd be bad if their friendship ended.
>I see it as necessary because she did the same
And doing it again will help her how?
>having a taste of her own medicine
Why do you want to punish her? I think she needs help first and foremost, and then she can try to fix the relationships with her old friends.
>does her neotenous face give her an immunity card from all her wrongdoings?
No, but the fact that she's a grooming victim kind of does. Not forever, but at least until she's received help. And of course not everything she did can be blamed on that. I think her wrongdoings are far less important than those of a certain pedo.
>She has been a responsible teenager (adult) for quite some time
Are we talking about the same person?

Again, like I already suspected here >>16126, you seem to want to punish her/make her apologize, instead of helping her.

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