Anonymous 03/10/2021 (Wed) 10:56:07 No.22553 del
(780.41 KB 548x548 todoroki laugh.webm)
Haha oh Wow, you're really getting worked up over this.
Once again, I don't think anyone should harass Bonbi or anyone close to her for any reason. I would never do something like that, nor would I wish that upon anyone, even if it's with good intentions. But since it's already been done, seeing the outcome of it is not too bad.
Also, I don't give a shit what she believes. With what I've seen, I can guarantee it's far different from my own ideology. I'd just rather not have her go the lewd e-thot route because I know it's a terrible way to spend your life. If she did go in that direction, there's nothing I would do about it other than leave.
