Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 04:44:29 No.28278 del
>family vacation was a road trip to tennessee (right after rhonda/the pedo moved to tennessee)
>wants to shave her head bald
>wants to lift weights and become really muscular
>wants to beat people up in general
>feels more comfortable when cosplaying a boy
>reads sex fanficts of fictional character
>also wrote fanfics
>some of the fanfics were really personal, and she might eventually read them on stream
>wants to have children with slenderman and with viktor
>likes spicy food. regularly overseasons it
>wants to be non-white. will attempt a hair product to make her hair more curly.
>simply follows trends, doesnt know why she likes homestuck. thinks its gross.
>flirting with some nigger from philadelphia
>cant visit emiru in austin for some reason
>but will meet emiru in 1/2 weeks
>you could see her fully name and gmail after donating on payal (
>she currently has 2 goats

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